Art book / multiple: "Terp Nijehove"

It provides an overview of all art projects initiated by De Baren in the context of Arcadia 2022. They were carried out on the Nijenhove terp in Leeuwarden in the period from May 5 to September 17.

Language: Dutch
Format: 22 x 28 cm, Softcover, full colour
Design: Chemistry Publishing
Publisher: De Baren / Arcadia Leeuwarden
Year: 2023

Price: € 20,- + shipping costs

Risoprint Fanzine "Red Boy"

With 20 drawings by B.C. Epker and 20 poems by Peter van Lier
Language: Dutch 
Printed at: Grafisch Atelier Friesland
Book format: Softcover, 19 × 14 cm / 40 pgs / full colour
Design: B.C. Epker
Publisher: Hyperion
Nur: 306, 646
ISBN: 978-94-6437-299-1
Publication date: 2022
Price: € 15,- + shipping costs
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Reviews (in Dutch) in: Gonzo-circus (#170) & Jurjen K. van der Hoek

Special Edition "Philemon & Baucis"

With five woodcuts by B.C. Epker, five wood/linocuts by 
Susann Hoch, three poems by Mischa Andriessen and 
three poems by Peter van Lier 

Format: 22 × 31 cm, luxury folder (hardcover, half 
linen, embossed), loose leaf edition, contains 18 leaves
Wood/linocuts: hand-printed by the artist, individually signed
: German, Dutch
: Gregor Seferens
: 20 copies + 5 H.C.
: B.C. Epker
: Katrin Adler, Leipzig
: Simili Japon 225 g
Year: 2022
Price: on request
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Poolkoorts | Arctic Fever

Book with 22 drawings of B.C. Epker & 20 poems of Peter du Gardijn
inspired by diary of the Dutch whaling captain Hidde Dirks Kat (1747-1824)
Language: Dutch, English
Book format: Hardcover, 22 × 22 cm / 48 pgs / full colour / edition 400
Design: Sonja Kamer
Translation: Agnes Matthews
Editor: Hanneke Majoor
Print: Grafische Groep Van der Eems, Easterein/Heerenveen
Finishing: Boekbinderij Soesbeek, Groningen
Publisher: Mauritsheech Publishers
Distribution: Wijdemeer
Nur: 306, 646
ISBN: 978-90-826309-2-3
Publication date: June 2018
Price: € 19,95 + shipping costs
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Review by Drs. Erik Kreytz (NBD Biblion, 15-05-2019)

Special Edition "Diana & Actaeon"











With five linocuts by B.C. Epker, five linocuts by Irini
Mavromatidou and three poems by Mischa Andriessen

: 21 × 31 cm, luxury folder (hardcover, half linen,
embossed), loose leaf edition, contains 14 leaves
: hand-printed by the artists, individually signed
: German, Dutch
: Eva Bodor
: 20 copies + 5 H.C.
: B.C. Epker
: Kartonagenwerkstatt Trommer, Königshain-Wiederau (DE)
: Simili Japon 225 g
: 2013
: on request

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All About Drawing

This eye-catching volume gives insight into the development of drawing in the Netherlands from the 1960s until the present day. One hundred artists have been selected for whom drawing forms the most important discipline in their oeuvre. Important to this selection – and, more broadly, to Dutch art after 1960 – is the high degree of originality and autonomous quality. Accordingly, a panorama of individuals unfolds – artists who apply autonomous work to paper on the basis of a unique signature.

Authors: Arno Kramer & Diana Wind
Book format: Hardcover, English / Dutch, 360 pages
31 x 287 x 225 mm, Weight 1.52 kg
Year: 2012
ISBN: 9789491196270
Publisher: Uitgeverij De Kunst

Price: € 39,95

B.C. Epker; Pläydoyer für das Ungewisse

Author: Jos ten Berge,
Editor: Dr. Norbert Fasse
Publisher: Stadtmuseum Borken 2011
Language: German
Book format: Softcover, 16 pages, 16,2 x 26,1cm

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B.C. Epker, Lucide Domeinen | Lucid Domains

This book gives a rich overview of the most significant works of B.C. Epker created over the past few years.
Published on occasion of the ‘Gerrit Benner Award 2006’ and solo exhibitions in the Fries Museum Leeuwarden
and Gemeentemuseum Den Haag. Review in Kunstbeeld (in Dutch)

Authors: Wim van Krimpen, Saskia Bak, Huub Mous, Mischa Andriessen
Graphic design: Gert Jan Slagter
Language: Dutch / English
Book format: Hardcover | 64 pp | 27 x 23 cm | 46 full colour images 
Price: € 25,00 ex shipping cost
ISBN: 978-90-810414-1-6
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